Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reading Strategies (2)

Guided Reading and Writing with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Guided Reading and Writing is an approach to word and language study where, under the guidance of a teacher, small groups of students read books that are just a little harder than those they can read on their own. The teacher assists the students in developing fluency, confidence, and insights into themes, styles, divergent opinions, and various forms of literature.

“Guided reading and writing occur when the teacher guides students in discussing and exploring the reading process so that students can develop literacy skills, and later apply what they learn when they read and write independently….most of the time the teacher's role is to invoke students' responses based on their own thoughts and opinions about the reading process.” - Stephanie Malik, Teacher


The Role of the Educator Is:

  • to work with small groups of students at their instructional level;
  • to observe, coach, prompt, and evaluate the students’ reading processes;
  • to model strategies and provide practice on solving comprehension breakdowns;
  • to use activities such as word walls to promote students’ word recognition and spelling; and
  • to document and adjust groups throughout the year.

What Observers Will See:

  • small groups of students working with an adult;
  • educators regularly evaluating student performance;
  • students using a variety of ways to comprehend texts, such as visualizing, clarifying, feeling, summarizing, predicting, questioning, and reflecting;
  • educators asking questions that allow for varied students responses and interpretations; and
  • a print-rich environment.


Guided Reading Stages:

Guided reading and writing develops a process of predicting, sampling, and then confirming or correcting. Various reading strategies are taught explicitly to students.

Before Reading

  • Elicit prior knowledge
  • Build background
  • Introduce the book

During Reading

  • Picture walk through the book
  • Educator reinforces reading strategies
  • Students read to practice reading strategies

After Reading

  • Reflect on reading strategies
  • Build comprehension

a. discuss the story

  • Extend the reading

a. respond through writing
b. respond through visual learning

  • Read independently

Full article found in this link:


Monday, August 1, 2011

Reading Strategies (1)

Hi Teachers! I will be posting a series of blogs that will contain strategies in teaching reading to your Deaf students. Hope you will find these useful. God bless!

Shared Reading and Writing

Adults and students read a book or poem repeatedly, helping students develop confidence in their ability to read. Students re-read the story or poem, act it out, and make a new version of the book or poem.


  • to demonstrate and develop specific reading strategies,
  • to help students develop sight vocabulary,
  • to have students at all skill levels working together,
  • to provide students with concept-rich materials,
  • to encourage students to discuss reading experiences, and
  • to help create a body of known texts that students can use for independent reading and as resources for writing and vocabulary development.


  • students in a circle near the teacher,
  • a big book or large white paper of books or poems,
  • the educator engaging in students’ discussions,
  • mini-lessons on strategies for reading, and
  • a variety of reading levels in the same group.


A typical routine for conducting shared reading and writing consists of the following:

  1. Pick a book or poem you like.
  2. Read the selection to the students.
  3. Read it a second time.
  4. After the second reading, talk about words, illustrations, content, main idea, and story sequence.
  5. On successive days, continue to share the story or poem to the class. Use role play to help students understand the story. Once they understand the story or poem, focus on mini-lessons on developing language strategies. Make new versions of the story of poem.
  6. Finally, distribute small copies of the books or poems for independent reading time, or to share with parents and caregivers.


  • ·Use poems tied to the themes. Write the poems on big white paper or on sentence strips and pocket charts. Students can interact with print and manipulate the strips as they read and write. They can also illustrate the texts and develop their own versions of the story. The teacher can have the students sequence the story, highlight sight words and new vocabulary, and make new endings for the story.

    (Corrado, C. (1999). Shared reading and writing: Directing the tour through text. Perspectives in Education and Deafness, 17 (5), May/June, pp. 14-17).
  • Explain the conventions of print (e.g. We read pages top to bottom, left to right; we read words, not pictures); help students use successful reading strategies such as using meaning and the first and most important clue to understanding words, prediction and self-correction, building and reinforcing sight vocabulary, and point out letter/sound relationships.

You can find this article in this link:


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Exploring Emergent Literacy Behaviors of Filipino Deaf Children

I would like to share with you this paper written by Dr. Therese Bustos of UP Diliman. This gives us a clear picture of the early literacy behaviors of Filipino Deaf children and implications for practice. We have a lot of published foreign articles on this but of course, it would be best to use our very own resources (kahit po kakaunti sila). Enjoy reading and may you gain some insights from this. http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/research/journals/taper/pdf/200706/bustos.pdf

Hello Friends!

Hi everyone! Here is the blog site I have promised to create after the training we had last summer (Teaching Reading and Writing to Deaf Learners at La Salle University Ozamiz School for the Deaf). This site is for us and for other teachers of the Deaf who would want to share their learnings, insights, experiences, and best practices in teaching Deaf students. You may also post questions you may have on Deaf education and I will try my very best to answer them . I miss you guys! Hope to see you in this site soon. God bless!